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Detectors Overview

Secureworks® Taegis™ XDR includes detectors that continuously monitor your environment data for malicious activity. Currently, the following are available:


Use the Taegis XDR Creator column to search for alerts created by specific detectors.


Some detectors currently only include event_ID references and do not provide ContributingEvents. This prevents the alert service from storing the event data, so XDR is unable to search against these detectors using the event data. These are indicated in the ’Can be searched using underlying events’ column.

On this page:

  |   3.3.12
Detector Type Description Taegis XDR Creator Can be searched using underlying events
Account Compromise Detector that combines multiple entities related to user login and post-login behavior to identify an account that exhibits signs of being taken over by a threat actor app:detect:account-compromise-aggregator No
Bring Your Own Threat Intel Detector that enables you to integrate Threat Intel indicator lists and generate alerts when those indicators are found in normalized telemetry app:detect:byoti No
Brute Force Detector that looks for repeated password attempts app:detect:brute-force-detector No
Business Email Compromise Detector that looks for specific techniques that threat actors use against O365 email accounts app:event-filter:bec Yes
Cloud Recon to Change Detector that identifies unusual exfiltration of AWS RDS data by a user app:detect:cloud-unusual-recon-user Yes
Cloud Watchlist Detector that converts events sourced from security providers monitoring public cloud assets into XDR alerts app:event-filter:cloudwatchlist Yes
Domain Watchlist Detector that looks for malicious domains using Threat Indicator feeds from CTU and third parties app:detect:domain_blacklist Yes
Domain Generation Algorithms Detector that alerts on suspicious domains within network connection data app:detect:dga Yes
Email Watchlist Detector that converts 3rd party email security events into alerts and assigns a severity and confidence based on the activity observed app:event-filter:email Yes
Endpoint Watchlists Detectors that consolidate alerts pulled from endpoint integrations into XDR and apply CTU-curated watchlists to normalized endpoint telemetry app:event-filter Yes
File Analysis Detector that identifies malicious files on endpoints with Taegis Endpoint Agent app:file-analysis and app:detect:file_appearances No
Hands-On-Keyboard Detector that scores process events for a set timeframe using machine learning models and then uses these scores to identify potential Hands-On-Keyboard activity app:detect:hands-on-keyboard No
IP Watchlist Detector that identifies netflow events that contained a known bad IP address app:threat-intel-enrichment-netflow:v0.3.0 Yes
iSensor Detector that prevents network-based threats in real-time using Secureworks proprietary signatures app:event-filter:nids Yes
Kerberoasting Detector that identifies a possible Kerberos Ticket Granting Service (TGS) Service Ticket (ST) attack where a threat actor gathers, extracts, and cracks account password hashes offline in order to recover plaintext passwords app:detect:kerberoasting-detector No
Network IDS Detector that converts Network IDS events into alerts app:event-filter:nids Yes
Password Spray Detector that identifies an attempt to steal account credentials by attempting logins using common account names and frequently used passwords app:detect:password-spray-detector Yes
Penetration Test Detector that identifies when a potential penetration test is ongoing app:detect:tactic-detector No
Portscanning and Broadscanning Detectors that identify attempts by a threat actor to search assets in your environment for open ports that might present attack opportunities app:detect:portscanning and app:detect:broadscanning Yes
Punycode Detector that looks for phishing domains that use punycode to disguise URLs as legitimate ones app:detect:punycode Yes
Quick Mail Consent (MS o365) Detector that looks for granted Mail.Read or Mail.ReadWrite permissions and related consented application permission sets in MS o365 app:detect:o365-quick-mail-consent Yes
Rare Program to Rare IP Detector that looks at anomalous connections between programs and IP addresses app:detect:rare-process-to-rare-ip No
SharpHound Detector that identifies instances where the SharpHound data collector has been run on your network using the default collection method app:detect:sharphound No
Snapshot Exfiltration Detector that looks for malicious AWS EC2 snapshot exports app:detect:snapshot-exfiltration No
Stolen Credentials Detector that looks for impossible travel conditions for user credentials app:detect:stolen-user-credentials No
Suspicious DNS Activity Detector that looks for DNS queries that might have been performed by malware app:detect:suspicious-dns Yes
Tactic Graph Detector that models adversarial behavior to detect threats app:detect:tactic-detector No
Taegis Watchlist Detector that applies a Secureworks CTU curated ruleset to normalized telemetry sourced from any ingested data source to detect threats app:event-filter Yes