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Incident Commander Training

Incident Commander Training

Service Overview

Managing a major cybersecurity incident can be a challenging, high-stress situation. Also, if an organization is not accustomed to responding to a major incident, those managing the incident may lack the expertise to coordinate such a response.

The Secureworks Incident Commander Training is designed to train those managing a cybersecurity incident and those that may be part of the response team on the issues to consider when responding to a critical incident.

The training is not technical; rather, it focuses on the theory of managing an incident and how organizations can more effectively assemble and respond.

While personnel of all skill levels are welcome to attend, roles finding the most value from this training include those managing a cybersecurity incident as well as key team members that may want to learn more about the incident management process. A technical foundation is not required and cross-functional responders are encouraged to attend.

Service Methodology

Secureworks will deliver this training to improve your organization's incident response (IR) capabilities. Specific topics that will be discussed include the following:

Additionally, Secureworks will facilitate a question and answer session at the conclusion of the training.

The standard course accommodates up to twelve participants; however, arrangements can be made for additional participants. The course may be delivered remotely through teleconference (e.g., Zoom, Teams).

Training is valid for up to eight continuing professional education (CPE) credits. Upon request, Secureworks can provide an email statement of completion to fulfill certification audit requirements.

Excluded from training: The training is designed to convey generic incident management methodologies and the content will not be tailored to specific environments; however, the question and answer session may be used to address questions specific to your organization.


Participants will receive a certificate of completion stating eight hours of continuing education was completed and may be leveraged for certification renewal requirements. Participants are expected to have an improved set of incident management skills that may be leveraged during an emergency.

Scope and Service Units

Up to eight hours of training conducted remotely through teleconference; up to 12 participants; eight Service Units.


On-site courses may be limited due to cross-border restrictions.


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