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Threat Hunting Assessment

Service Overview

Secureworks will perform a Threat Hunting Assessment in your environment, reviewing traces that persist in endpoint sensors, network sensors, and retained logs to identify indicators and behaviors of compromise. The activities to be performed may include but are not limited to the following:

Service Methodology

Prior to the Threat Hunting Assessment, Secureworks will provide you with a questionnaire to complete. We will work with you to identify the data sources necessary to complete the assessment, identify the available data sources, and construct a plan to obtain the required data.

Secureworks will deploy endpoint and network sensors, as appropriate, in your environment to assess the environment as follows:

Purchasing options for a Threat Hunting Assessment are small, medium, and large, and the number of endpoints in the environment being assessed is what is used to determine the appropriate size.

In the event that ongoing or previous compromise activity is discovered, Secureworks can provide you with Emergency Incident Response to the extent mutually defined between you and Secureworks as a separate engagement.


Secureworks will issue a report to your organization's designated point of contact within three (3) weeks of completing the assessment. The report may include the following:

Scoping Information

Scope Description
Threat Hunting Assessment - Small Up to 1,000 endpoints

30 days of storage
Threat Hunting Assessment - Medium Up to 5,000 endpoints

30 days of storage
Threat Hunting Assessment - Large Up to 10,000 endpoints

30 days of storage


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