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Vishing Drill

Service Overview

This drill uses voice-based (telephone call) social engineering techniques to elicit information about your organization’s computer systems, and influence human action to test your organization’s human resistance against vishing threats.

Service Methodology


The rules of engagement for testing are established during staging and initial sessions. Topics to be discussed include the following:

After completion of all staging tasks and the initial meeting, Secureworks will send a confirmation email to ensure agreement on the above-listed items. Secureworks will assume that all targets provided are English-speaker. However, the Adversary Group has multiple bi-langual consultants, please get in-touch if other languages are required.

Scenario Development

Secureworks will tailor the Engagement to align with Customer's needs, developing customized scenarios from a set of standard scenarios or custom vishing pretext. In a typical scenario, Secureworks will impersonate internal staff (or a third party if appropriate), calling target users (as provided by Customer) to entice them to provide sensitive information and perform actions that circumvent Customer's cybersecurity controls and awareness training efforts. For all engagements, Secureworks works with customers to develop appropriate scenarios and test delivery mechanisms to ensure accurate execution


Secureworks will initiate calls with target users and perform the scenarios developed. Secureworks will attempt to contact each target user a maximum of three times. Unreachable target users will be specified in the final report. All interactions with the target users will be documented in the final report. To increase the credibility of Vishing calls, 3rd party tools enabling phone number cloning may be used.


Secureworks will perform a thorough review and analysis of data and information that was collected during the Engagement, and will produce and deliver to Customer a final report that includes the following:

Scoping Information

Scope Description
Vishing - Small Up to 20 targets; up to 2 pretexts (one pretext will be used per target)
Vishing - Medium Up to 50 targets; up to 3 pretexts (one pretext will be used per target)


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