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Remote Access Vulnerability Assessment

Remote Access Vulnerability Assessment

Service Overview

The objective of a Remote Access Vulnerability Assessment is to produce a list of known vulnerabilities in remote access infrastructure, and validating that hosts are patched and are configured securely. The Assessment is limited to conducting checks that are designed to limit any negative impact for risk-averse environments. In addition, password testing is performed against any remote access systems that support authentication.

Service Methodology

Secureworks will conduct testing to identify critical flaws in your remote access network(s) that an attacker can exploit. Secureworks uses a combination of automated and manual scanning using commercial and publicly available tools, as well as proprietary scripts and applications.

Testing is conducted in three phases: Scope Validation, Enumeration and Vulnerability Mapping, and Password Testing.


Presentation of findings and deliverables compiled by Secureworks in the performance of the Service(s) are tailored to work performed, and to your needs.

Reports generally contain the following:

Scope and Service Units

Eight service units—for a maximum of 30 live assets—are required for each Remote Access Vulnerability Assessment. Work is conducted during business hours of the Secureworks consultant; after-hours feature is available for an additional eight service units.


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