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Using the Search Grammar with the API

This article reviews how to use the search grammar through Secureworks® Taegis™ VDR’s public API.

When using VDR’s public API, it is important to provide a search grammar to narrow down the results to what is really needed.


Search grammar must be valid JSON.

Grammar Structure

Single Operator Case

The use of a single operator is done by simply calling the operator with its arguments:

// arguments


Searching for text containing XSS:

"text": "XSS"


Searching per software:

"name": "nginx"


Searching per tag:

"id": "42"

Advanced: Boolean Operator

To compose a more complex query, use the bool operator. It will result in a Boolean search within the VDR indexes.

// operators

Boolean Keywords


Search parameters:

  "bool": {
    "must": [
        "global": {
          "text": "XSS"
        "edge": {
          "id": 6
        "ip": {
          "match": ""
    "must_not": [
        "cve": {
          "number": "CVE-2000-1001"


It is possible to nest boolean operators for more precise control over the results.


Searching for (not a linux within OR (with tag #12 without CVE-1234-1234):

  "bool": {
    "should": [
        "bool": {
          "must_not": [
              "os": {
                "name": "linux"
          "must": [
              "ip": {
                "match": ""
        "bool": {
          "must_not": [
              "cve": {
                "number": "CVE-1234-1234"
          "must": [
              "tag": {
                "id": 12


Searching for vulnerabilities first discovered after a certain date and last seen before a certain date:

  "bool": {
    "must": [
        "first_discovery_date": {
          "gt": "2020-01-01"
        "last_seen_date": {
          "lt": "2020-03-01"
        "is": {
          "flag": "vulnerability"




If an operator is not available in a given context, the API responds with an error 400: Invalid input data provided.

Operator Arguments Sample Description
authentication {"authentication": {"status": "ok"}} Filter asset by authentication status.
Status accepts: ok, failed, unused or insufficient_privilege.
content_type {"content_type": {"mimetype": "text/json"}} Filter by response content type.
Mimetype accepts any valid MIME type.
Supports a single entry or a list of mimetype.*
creation_type {"creation_type": {"name": "discovered_host"}} Filter assets by creation type.
Name accepts: discovered_host, discovered_hidden_vhost or manually_added.
cve {"cve": {"number": "CVE-1234-1234"}} Filter by CVE numbers.
Matches the exact CVE number.
Supports a single entry or a list of CVE numbers.*
cvss {"cvss": {"value": 7.5}}
must_not: [{cvss: {compare: "GTE", value: "7"}}]
Filter by CVSS value.
Accepts comparison symbols: <=, <, >= or >.
discovery {"discovery": {"id": 999}} Filter by discovery id. Supports a single entry or a list of ids.*
edge {"edge": {"id": 12}} Filter by edge-service id, 0 is public internet. Supports a single entry or a list of ids.*
fingerprint {"fingerprint": {"value": "ACD"}}
{"fingerprint": {"value": "ACD", "type: "ssl"}}
Filter by fingerprint value or by value and fingerprint type. Available for servers asset type only.
global {"global": {"text":"sql injection"}} Filter by text. If a word sequence is provided, all the words are required in the specified order.
id {"id": {"match": "b4bc2f52-b8bd-4078-9a98-ac2806820620"}} This filter will match the id(s) depending of the context. Supports a single entry or a list of ids.*
ip {"ip": {"match": ""}} Filter by IP address. Accepts either a full IP address or IP address range.
note {"note": {"content": "content to search for in the note"}} Filter by note content.
os {"os": {"name": "linux"}} Filter by OS name.
port {"port": {
"number": 22,
"protocol": "tcp",
"state": "filtered",
"banner": "debian",
"service" : "ssh"
Filter by port specification. All fields are optional. When multiple fields are specified, they must all match the same entry.
  • banner performs term and ngram lookups.
  • number must be an integer.
  • protocol accepts: tcp or udp.
  • state accepts: open, filtered, unfiltered or closed.
  • service matches the confirmed services.
recognized_response {"recognized_response": {"type": "webmail"}} Filter by recognized response. Type accepts: default_vhost, hypervisor, webmail or vpn_firewall. Supports a single entry or a list of recognized responses.*
related_asset {"related_asset": {"id": 12}} Filter by related asset id. Supports a single entry or a list of ids.*
response_status {"response_status": {"code": "200"}} Filter by HTTP response status code. Supports a single entry or a list of status codes.*
scan {"scan": {"id": 42}} Filter by scan id (reports and scan ids are the same).
scheme {"scheme": {"name": "http"}} Filter by scheme. Only accepts http or https. Supports a single entry or a list of schemes.*
score {"score": {"value": 10.00}} {score: {compare: "GTE", value: "9.80"} Filter by score value.
severity {"severity": {"level": "medium"}} Filter by severity level. Level accepts: critical, medium, warning or info.
software {"software": {"name": "nginx", "version": ""}} Filter by software. Version is optional.
tag {"tag": {"id": 12}} Filter by tag id. Supports a single entry or a list of ids.*
team {"team": {"id": 12}} Filter by team id. Supports a single entry or a list of ids.*
user {"user": {"id": 12}} Filter by user id. Supports a single entry or a list of ids.*

* An operator supporting “single entry or a list of” entities means that it is possible to pass either a single entry or a list with all the possible matches. For example, if the response status operator is {"response_status": {"code": "200"}} it matches all entries where the status code is 200. A response operator of {"response_status": {"code": [ "200", "201", "202" ]}} matches all entries where the status code is 200 or 201 or 202.


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