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Edge Service Installation - Azure

This article describes how to create a new virtual machine and assign the downloaded Edge Service disk image in Azure.

Unzip Files

Unzip the .bz2 file to a .tar and the .tar to the .vhd using 7-zip.

Upload the VHD to a Storage Container in Azure


The VHD is 48 GB and can take time to upload. Browser-based uploads often are disrupted but appear successful after a refresh. Despite the size shown in the UI, the upload is incomplete. Azure Storage Explorer can also be used and has been the most successful way to upload the image for most customers.

  1. Select the desired storage account from Storage Accounts, choose Containers from Data storage, select + Container, and name the new container.

Create New Container

Create New Container

  1. Select the newly created container, choose Upload, and then select the .vhd file to upload.

Upload Blob

Upload Blob

Create an Image in Azure from the VHD

  1. Go to Images in Azure.
  2. Select Create and specify:
    • OS type as Linux
    • VM generation as Gen 1
    • Storage blob as container where the .vhd was uploaded in the previous section

Create Image

Create Image

  1. Select Review + Create and then Create.

Create a New Virtual Machine Using the Newly-Created Image in Azure

  1. Select the newly-created image from the previous section, and then choose Create VM.

Create VM

Create VM

  1. Once the VM is created, select Start.

Start VM

Start VM

Common Error Message During Deployment

The following error has been commonly escalated for support regarding the specified cookie value in the VHD footer not being supported.

Deployment Failed

Deployment Failed

Status Message

Status Message

The specified cookie value in VHD footer indicates that disk 'delve-edge-agnostic-amd64.vhd' with blob https://edgeservices.blob.core.windows.net:8443/azure-edgeservice/delve-edge-agnostic-amd64.vhd is not a supported VHD. Disk is expected to have cookie value 'conectix'.

This error is due to VHD corruption or incorrect offset of space defined on the disk. The image will need to be uploaded again despite it showing the correct size in the Azure portal.


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