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Finding, Filtering, and Sorting Vulnerabilities

This article describes how to find desired vulnerabilities in the Vulnerabilities view using the filters and search field.

From the Vulnerabilities view of Secureworks® Taegis™ VDR, use a free-form search field and an extensive set of filters to easily find and sort vulnerabilities based on their characteristics.

This view presents a list of filters with checkboxes on the left side, a search field on top of the view, and a list of vulnerabilities presented in sortable columns.

Find & Filter Vulnerabilities

Find & Filter Vulnerabilities

Using the Search Field

At the top of this view, a free-form search field can be used to find vulnerabilities by name, by CVE number, by URL (Websites), or by IP/Hostname (Servers). The search query will trigger when three or more characters are typed in.

You can use basic search terms, but a more complete search grammar supporting Advanced Search Queries is also supported.

Using Filters

On the left side of the Vulnerabilities view, use a combination of filters to better refine the displayed assets.

When making selections in different filter sections, filtering will be exclusive: assets must match both filters to be displayed. Selections in the same filter section are additive: assets matching at least one of the filters will be displayed.

Vulnerabilities Filters:


Vulnerabilities can also be found by entering their complete CVE number into the search field of the Vulnerabilities view.


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