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Taegis Threat Score

alerts threat score

Organizations continue to battle an endless stream of alerts from the growing inventory of security products. As a result, security analysts are increasingly experiencing alert fatigue, a phenomenon whereby they become desensitized to alerts due to the number of false positives they investigate. A lack of context is one of the leading causes of the high false positive rates plaguing the industry. Ultimately, alert fatigue leads to an increase in response time to real threats and reduced vigilance on the part of the security analyst.

The Secureworks® Taegis™ Threat Score is a new contextually aware priority value assigned to alerts by the patent-pending Taegis; Prioritization Engine. The Prioritization Engine improves security analyst triage workflows by automating repetitive tasks and reducing false positives using context observed within your tenant and the Taegis global customer base. The score ranges from 0 - 10 with a higher score representing a higher risk to your organization.


The Threat Score is available on new alerts created after October 18, 2023. Alerts created prior to this date do not have an associated Threat Score.

Threat Score

Threat Score

How It Works

Each Critical and High severity alert is assessed and assigned a Threat Score at the time it is created. While triaging alerts, security analysts assess dozens of data points to determine the validity and criticality of a threat. This includes looking at how similar alerts and entities have been previously triaged, context about the involved entities, the detection source, detection logic, attack stage, and many other data points. The Prioritization Engine automates many of these tasks using machine learning and other automated analysis techniques to continually learn and adapt based on the tenant context, global context, and security analyst actions. The following trends are also incorporated into the Threat Score.

Excluded Alerts

While all new alerts will have a Threat Score, Informational, Low, and Medium severity alerts are based on the original severity of the alert. For example, if one of these alerts has a severity of 0.2, then the resulting Threat Score would be 2. This is necessary to ensure that alerts can be sorted and filtered using the Threat Score. The following alerts are also excluded from evaluation by the Prioritization Engine:

Threat Score Evidence

Each scored alert includes a summary of the key contributing factors used by the Prioritization Engine to calculate the Threat Score. The factors are separated into Global Insights, Tenant Insights, and Entity Insights, each showing how similar alerts and entities have been triaged within the previous 24 hours. View these contributing factors by clicking the Threat Score within an alert table, alert summary panel, or alert details. In addition, the information is available on the Insights tab within alert details.


Contributing factors may not be available on all alerts; this is commonly the case with alerts that are either not evaluated, are rare, or are infrequently triaged.

Contributing Factors

Contributing Factors

Contributing Factors Explanations

The contributing factor metrics are based on a rolling 24-hour window of data that allows you to quickly see how similar alerts and their associated entities have been triaged recently.

Insights on Alerts with Similar Title

The Insights on Alerts with Similar Title section helps you quickly see how other similar alerts have been triaged recently, both globally and within your tenant.

Insights on Alerts with Similar Entities

The insights on alerts with similar entities allows you to quickly see how other alerts where the entity was present were triaged recently.


It is expected that the percentages may not add up to 100%. Open alerts are not included in the triage calculations as a decision has not been made on them yet.

Interpreting Contributing Factor Insights

Insights provide context about the alert and the associated entities without requiring you to manually search for the information. Below are some examples of how one might interpret the presented insights to aid in the analysis process:

Threat Score and Alert Severity Comparison

Threat Score

Whereas alert severity often represents the severity of a threat universally, the Threat Score represents the threat level tailored to your unique organization. By combining multiple factors observed within your tenant and from the Taegis global threat landscape, security analysts are provided a comprehensive score to prioritize which threats they should focus on first.

Alert Severity

Depending on the detector or source of alert, the severity may be set based on an algorithm, the originating security control, or by a security researcher that authored the countermeasure. The important thing to note is that severity is traditionally assigned to represent the severity of the threat if it were to be successful agnostic of the organizational context. Since each organization is unique and important context is often missing, severity alone is not a dependable measure security analysts should use to decide where to focus their attention, yet this is how the industry has been operating for decades. For more details on alert severity, see Alert Severity and Confidence.


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