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XDR GraphQL APIs Authentication

api guides

Part 1: Create Client Credentials

In order for an application or script to access the Secureworks® Taegis™ XDR GraphQL APIs, you need to generate client credentials to allow it to log in. These are similar to a user’s username and password but are for automation use only, and should be protected like any other login credentials. This step should be performed one time only—if you have created your client credentials previously, reuse those and skip to Part 2: Generate an Access Token.

XDR client credentials can be created by XDR users who have a role of Tenant Analyst or Tenant Admin in the target tenant. The credentials are valid for that one tenant only, and only in the region they were created for. If your application needs to access multiple regions, you must create separate client credentials for each region.


By default, client credentials are granted a Tenant Analyst role and are only able to perform the same actions that a typical Analyst user can. Some XDR APIs require additional permissions and fail when attempted with the Tenant Analyst role. In most cases, these additional required permissions are not documented: you should be aware that unexplained API failures may be due to insufficient permissions. If you need to create client credentials with more permissions than the default, see Create Privileged Client Credentials below.


The URL to access XDR APIs may differ according to the region your environment is deployed in:

  • US1— https://api.ctpx.secureworks.com
  • US2— https://api.delta.taegis.secureworks.com
  • US3— https://api.foxtrot.taegis.secureworks.com
  • EU— https://api.echo.taegis.secureworks.com

The examples in this XDR API documentation use https://api.ctpx.secureworks.com throughout. If you are in a different region substitute appropriately.


For information on how to authenticate using the Python SDK and related usage examples, see XDR Python SDK Authentication.

Rate Limited Create Client Credentials API

The number of client credentials that can be created per hour for a tenant is limited to 10.

Find Tenant ID on Subscriptions Page

To find your tenant ID, select Tenant Settings from the left-hand side navigation of XDR and choose Subscriptions.

Tenant ID on Subscriptions Page

Tenant ID on Subscriptions Page

Manually Create Credentials

To create your client credentials manually, do the following:

  1. Log in to XDR in Chrome.
  2. Open the Chrome Developer Tools.
  3. Go to the Console tab and enter the following:
  1. An access_token is copied to your clipboard. Note that the access_token token is not displayed in the Chrome Developer Tools Console, it is only copied to your clipboard. The command returns undefined.
  2. In a command line terminal, run the following commands to create your client credentials. Paste the access_token from your clipboard into the commands in place of your_access_token. Also substitute your tenant ID in place of your_tenant_id and enter a unique name to identify your application in place of your_unique_application_name.
  3. Your new client credentials are returned. Save the client_id and client_secret values from this response — your application needs these to login to the XDR system. These are equivalent to a username and password for a user, so please protect them as you would any other login credentials.

The following examples show you how to create client credentials with default permissions. If you require additional permissions, see Create Privileged Client Credentials (Optional).


The examples on this page use the cURL command-line tool to issue XDR API requests. Any other tool or method for issuing HTTP requests may be used in its place, if you are more comfortable with something else.


The CreateClient API call is rate limited. The number of client credentials that can be created for a tenant in an hour is limited to 10.

Credentials on Linux

export ACCESS_TOKEN="your_access_token"
export TENANT_ID="your_tenant_id"
curl -g \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H "X-Tenant-Context: $TENANT_ID" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"query": "mutation createClient($name: String!, $roles: [ID!]) { createClient(name: $name, roles: $roles) { client { id name client_id roles role_assignments { id tenant_id role_id role_name expires_at } tenant_id created_at updated_at created_by updated_by environment } client_secret } }", "variables": {"name": "your_awesome_app_name"}}' \

Credentials on Windows

set ACCESS_TOKEN=your_access_token
set TENANT_ID=your_tenant_id
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer %ACCESS_TOKEN%" -H "X-Tenant-Context: %TENANT_ID%" -H "Content-type: application/json" https://api.ctpx.secureworks.com/graphql -d "{\"query\": \"mutation createClient($name: String!, $roles: [ID!]) { createClient(name: $name, roles: $roles) { client { id name client_id roles role_assignments { id tenant_id role_id role_name expires_at } tenant_id created_at updated_at created_by updated_by environment } client_secret } }\", \"variables\": {\"name\": \"your_awesome_app_name\"}}"

where your_access_token is the access token copied from Step 4 above, your_tenant_id is the ID of the tenant you want to access in XDR, and your_unique_application_name is a unique application name of your choice.


If you get {"error":["Existing client in tenant"]}, try changing the application name. The application name must be unique.

You should get something similar to the following:

  "data": {
    "createClient": {
      "client": {
        "client_id": "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>",
        "created_at": "2023-03-03T20:58:40.24986Z",
        "created_by": "0000",
        "environment": "production",
        "id": "<UUID>",
        "name": "your_awesome_app_name",
        "role_assignments": [
            "expires_at": null,
            "id": "<UUID>",
            "role_id": "a4903f9f-465b-478f-a24e-82fa2e129d2e",
            "role_name": "TenantAnalyst",
            "tenant_id": "50530"
        "roles": "tenantAnalyst",
        "tenant_id": "<TENANT_ID>",
        "updated_at": "2023-03-03T20:58:40.24986Z",
        "updated_by": "0000"
      "client_secret": "<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>"

Create Privileged Client Credentials

This section is required only if you need to create client credentials having a role other than the default Tenant Analyst. If you have already created client credentials with the default role, skip ahead to Part 2.

Refer to the table below to find the role ID required for these examples.

Role Name Role ID
Administrator ba0fdcbd-e87d-4bdd-ae7d-ca6118b25068
Analyst a4903f9f-465b-478f-a24e-82fa2e129d2e
Responder a72dace7-4536-4dbc-947d-015a8eb65f4d
Auditor ace1cae4-59fd-4fd1-9500-40077dc529a7

Privileged Credentials with Linux

export ACCESS_TOKEN="your_access_token"
export TENANT_ID="your_tenant_id"
curl -g \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H "X-Tenant-Context: $TENANT_ID" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"query": "mutation createClient($name: String!, $roles: [ID!]) { createClient(name: $name, roles: $roles) { client { id name client_id roles role_assignments { id tenant_id role_id role_name expires_at } tenant_id created_at updated_at created_by updated_by environment } client_secret } }", "variables": {"name": "your_awesome_app_name", "roles": ["<desired_role_id>"]}}' \

Privileged Credentials with Windows

set ACCESS_TOKEN=your_access_token
set TENANT_ID=your_tenant_id
set ROLE_ID=desired_role_id
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer %ACCESS_TOKEN%" -H "X-Tenant-Context: %TENANT_ID%" -H "Content-type: application/json" https://api.ctpx.secureworks.com/graphql -d "{\"query\": \"mutation createClient($name: String!, $roles: [ID!]) { createClient(name: $name, roles: $roles) { client { id name client_id roles role_assignments { id tenant_id role_id role_name expires_at } tenant_id created_at updated_at created_by updated_by environment } client_secret } }\", \"variables\": {\"name\": \"your_awesome_app_name\", \"roles\": [\"<desired_role_id>\"]}}"


You can persist environment variables across sessions with setx. You may need to open a new cmd shell after setting environment variables for them to be available for use. See the example below:

setx TENANT_ID your_tenant_id
setx CLIENT_ID your_client_id
setx CLIENT_SECRET your_client_secret

Part 2: Generate an Access Token

Your application uses the client credentials created in Part 1: Create Client Credentials to log in to the XDR system and generate an access token. This access token must be included in all other XDR API requests to identify your application and prove that it has valid authentication. Access tokens are only valid for a few hours, so your application must repeat this process as necessary.


Do not create new client credentials each time you need a new token—your client credentials are good for the lifetime of your application.

The examples below show how to complete this process manually using the cURL tool. Use these examples to familiarize yourself with the process. It is likely that your application can use other methods to issue these requests, though the requests needed are the same.

You need three pieces of information to accomplish this step:

Substitute the appropriate server name for your region in the authentication URL if necessary.

your_client_id and your_client_secret are the client credentials you created in Part 1.

Generate Token on a UNIX-like System

export CLIENT_ID="your_client_id"
export CLIENT_SECRET="your_client_secret"
curl --basic -u "$CLIENT_ID:$CLIENT_SECRET" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"grant_type":"client_credentials"}' https://api.ctpx.secureworks.com/auth/api/v2/auth/token

Generate Token on a Windows System

set CLIENT_ID=your_client_id
set CLIENT_SECRET=your_client_secret
curl --basic -u "%CLIENT_ID%:%CLIENT_SECRET%" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"grant_type\":\"client_credentials\"}" https://api.ctpx.secureworks.com/auth/api/v2/auth/token

where your_client_id and your_client_secret are the client credentials you created in Part 1.

This command returns a result similar to the one shown below.


Your application uses your_unique_token_value in all subsequent API requests. The token is valid until the time shown in the expiry value, after which your application must to generate a new token.

Part 3: Invoke XDR API Services

When you have a valid access token for your application you can issue requests to the XDR APIs. To authenticate, include the access token generated in Part 2 in an Authorization header in your HTTP requests. The token is what is known as a bearer token—include the word Bearer in the header value before the token. An example of a properly formatted authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer your_unique_token_value

where your_unique_token_value is the token you generated in Part 2.

As an example of how to invoke an API, you can query for the version of a service. Note that this is just an example and is not a part of the authentication process.

Get a Service’s Version on Linux

export ACCESS_TOKEN="your_unique_token_value"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" "Content-Type: application/json" https://api.ctpx.secureworks.com/assets/version

Get a Service’s Version on Windows

set ACCESS_TOKEN=your_unique_token_value
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer %ACCESS_TOKEN%" "Content-Type: application/json" https://api.ctpx.secureworks.com/assets/version
Example Response

Notice the similarity between access token usage and the commands used in Part 1. A user’s access token and a token created with client credentials are equivalent as far as the XDR API is concerned; however, always use client credentials rather than user logins to create your tokens for API automation.

Part 4: Use an OAuth2 Client in Your Application (Optional)

Instead of authenticating with XDR manually, you may find it more convenient to use pre-packaged OAuth2 client software in your application. In general these packages take care of the authentication process for you, and most of them automatically renew the access token when it is about to expire. Any software that supports the OAuth2 ’client credentials’ flow is supported. You need the same three pieces of information listed in Part 2 to initialize an OAuth2 client: the authentication URL, your client ID, and your client secret.

Run either of the examples below in a command-line terminal that has been pre-populated with your client credentials:

OAuth2 on Linux

export CLIENT_ID="your_client_id"
export CLIENT_SECRET="your_client_secret"

OAuth2 on Windows

set CLIENT_ID=your_client_id
set CLIENT_SECRET=your_client_secret

Example: Go Client

This example uses the OAuth2 clientcredentials package.

package main

import (


func main() {
    clientConfig := clientcredentials.Config{
        ClientID:     env.EnvOr("CLIENT_ID", ""),
        ClientSecret: env.EnvOr("CLIENT_SECRET", ""),
        TokenURL:     "https://api.ctpx.secureworks.com/auth/api/v2/auth/token",

    httpClient := clientConfig.Client(context.TODO())
    response, err := httpClient.Get("https://api.ctpx.secureworks.com/assets/version")
    if err != nil {
        // handle error
    defer response.Body.Close()
    body, err := io.ReadAll(response.Body)


You can supply your own preconfigured HTTP client to the OAuth library, but if you do so, it will copy only your client's Transport and will ignore all other settings. This is a known issue that can lead to unexpected behavior. To work around this, make sure you explicitly set any required options on the resulting OAuth client as in the following example.

    myContext := // your input context
    myHttpClient := // your specific HTTP client setup
    ctx = context.WithValue(myContext, oauth2.HTTPClient, myHttpClient)
    oauthHttpClient := clientConfig.Client(ctx)
    // set all other required values here!
    oauthHttpClient.Timeout = myHttpClient.Timeout
    oauthHttpClient.Jar = myHttpClient.Jar
    oauthHttpClient.CheckRedirect = myHttpClient.CheckRedirect

Example: Python Client

This example uses the requests-oauthlib package. You may need to install this package before running the example. If you are using the XDR Python SDK, it handles authentication for you. This is a raw Python example:

pip install requests_oauthlib

The example program:

from oauthlib.oauth2 import BackendApplicationClient
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
import os

client = BackendApplicationClient(client_id=client_id)
oauth_client = OAuth2Session(client=client)
token = oauth_client.fetch_token(token_url='https://api.ctpx.secureworks.com/auth/api/v2/auth/token', client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret)

r = oauth_client.get("https://api.ctpx.secureworks.com/assets/version")

Save this to a file named client_example.py and run it:

python client_example.py

Either example will return the same result as the cURL command used in Part 3:


Search Client Credentials

If you want to audit your client credentials or need to look up metadata about client credentials, there is a query clients that can be used.

You can also search client credentials with the XDR Python SDK.

Example Output

[Client(id='c373d68a-fdca-476f-5b48-92ed5804dc53', name='docs-test-client-adcghzxc', client_id='b42USvw1jm5fk3Y2VqoAWSyG4CF47Ek5', roles='tenantAnalyst', tenant_id='xxxxx', created_at='2023-04-17T14:26:44.821551Z', updated_at='2023-04-17T14:26:44.821551Z', created_by='0000', updated_by='0000', environment='production', role_assignments=[ClientRoleAssignment(id='ca5928cf-7481-416a-8c53-1de4197f3593', tenant_id='xxxxx', role_id='a4903f9f-465b-478f-a24e-82fa2e129d2e', role_name='TenantAnalyst', expires_at=None)])]

Search Client Credentials

query clients($name: String, $clientIDs: [String] = ["<CLIENT_ID>"], $tenantID: ID, $roleIDs: [ID], $tenantIDs: [ID], $page: Int, $perPage: Int)
    clients(name: $name, clientIDs: $clientIDs, tenantID: $tenantID, roleIDs: $roleIDs, tenantIDs: $tenantIDs, page: $page, perPage: $perPage)
        id name client_id roles role_assignments { id tenant_id role_id role_name expires_at } tenant_id created_at updated_at created_by updated_by environment

Reset a Client Secret

If you need to reset a client secret, but want to retain the same client id, you can use the rotateClientSecret mutation to generate a new client secret. The ID input can either be the UUID or the client_id. It also requires the client secret. The API validates the old secret before creating a new secret.

mutation rotateClientSecret($id: ID! = "c373d68a-fdca-476f-5b48-92ed5804dc53", $secret: String = "<CLIENT_SECRET>")
    rotateClientSecret(id: $id, secret : $secret)
        client { id name client_id roles role_assignments { id tenant_id role_id role_name expires_at } tenant_id created_at updated_at created_by updated_by environment } client_secret

Force Reset a Client Secret

If the user needs to reset a client secret and has an invalid old secret or does not know the old secret, the client secret can still be refreshed for an existing client id using forceRotateClientSecret. Note that only TenantAdmin users of the tenant, Secureworks Admins, or Secureworks Operations users can call this API.

mutation forceRotateClientSecret($id: ID! = "c373d68a-fdca-476f-5b48-92ed5804dc53")
    forceRotateClientSecret(id: $id)
        client { id name client_id roles role_assignments { id tenant_id role_id role_name expires_at } tenant_id created_at updated_at created_by updated_by environment } client_secret

Delete a Client

When you are finished with client credentials, you can use the deleteClient mutation to revoke credentials. The ID input can either be the UUID or the client_id.

mutation deleteClient($id: ID! = "c373d68a-fdca-476f-5b48-92ed5804dc53")
    deleteClient(id: $id)
        id name client_id roles role_assignments { id tenant_id role_id role_name expires_at } tenant_id created_at updated_at created_by updated_by environment


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