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Google Cloud Platform Integration Guide

cloud integrations google

The following instructions are for configuring an integration of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to facilitate log ingestion into Secureworks® Taegis™ XDR. XDR receives logs from GCP via the Pub/Sub messaging service.

Supported Google Cloud Platform Log Types

Before You Begin

Ensure the following prerequisites are met before proceeding:


This guide assumes these prerequisite steps are complete before beginning setup.

Data Provided from Integrations

  Antivirus Auth CloudAudit DHCP DNS Email Encrypt HTTP Management Netflow NIDS Thirdparty
Google Cloud Platform     Y             D   V

Y = Normalized | D = Out-of-the-Box Detections | V = Vendor-Specific Detections


XDR detectors are not guaranteed to be triggered, even if a data source's logs are normalized to a schema associated with a given detector. However, you can create Custom Alert Rules to generate alerts based on normalized data from a data source.

Configure Log Forwarding Using the GCP Web Interface

Create Pub/Sub Topic

  1. Navigate to Pub/Sub > Topics and select Create Topic.

Create Pub/Sub Topic

Create Pub/Sub Topic

  1. Enter a Topic ID, then select Create.

Enter Pub/Sub Topic ID

Enter Pub/Sub Topic ID

Create Pub/Sub Subscription

  1. Navigate to Pub/Sub > Subscriptions and select Create Subscription.

Create Pub/Sub Subscription

Create Pub/Sub Subscription

  1. Enter a Subscription ID and select the topic created in Step 2.

Enter Pub/Sub Subscription ID

Enter Pub/Sub Subscription ID

  1. Set the Acknowledgement deadline to 300 seconds and select Create.

Enter Pub/Sub Subscription Acknowledgement Deadline

Enter Pub/Sub Subscription Acknowledgement Deadline

Create Sink

  1. Navigate to Logging > Log router and select Create Sink.

Create Sink

Create Sink

  1. From Sink details, enter a Sink name and description, then select Next.

Add Sink Details

Add Sink Details

  1. From Sink destination, select Cloud Pub/Sub topic as the sink service, then select the Pub/Sub topic created in Step 2.

Select Sink Service Type and Pub/Sub Topic

Select Sink Service Type and Pub/Sub Topic


See Select Logs to Send to XDR to create inclusion filters that determine which logs are sent to the sink.

  1. Select Create sink.

Create a Service Account with Permissions to Read from the Pub/Sub Topic

  1. Navigate to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts and select Create Service Account.

Create a Service Account

Create a Service Account

  1. Enter a Service account name and description. Copy the Service account ID email address for use in a subsequent step and select Done.

Enter Service Account Details

Enter Service Account Details

  1. Navigate to Pub/Sub > Subscriptions and select Edit for the subscription created in Step 5.

Edit Pub/Sub Subscription

Edit Pub/Sub Subscription

  1. Select Add Principal.

Add Principal

Add Principal

  1. Enter the service account email copied in Step 11 in the New principals field, and then select the Pub/Sub Subscriber Role.

Grant Access

Grant Access

  1. Select Save.

Create a Service Account Key

  1. Open the Service account created in the preceding section and navigate to the Keys tab.

Service Account Key

Service Account Key

  1. Select Add Key, choose the JSON type, and then select Create. Save the key in a secure location for use in Step 20.

Create Private Key

Create Private Key

Complete the Integration in XDR

  1. Log in to XDR and navigate to Integrations → Cloud APIs.
  2. Select Set Up Google Cloud Platform.
  3. In the XDR configuration panel, enter the following:

Add Google Cloud Platform Integration

Add Google Cloud Platform Integration

Select Logs to Send to XDR

Reference the Google Cloud resource hierarchy to form the log inclusion filters.

Google Cloud Resource Hierarchy

Google Cloud Resource Hierarchy

To select the logs to be sent to XDR, refer to the Create Sink section and update the inclusion filter using the following Cloud Audit Logs, VPC Flow Logs, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Dataplane V2, and Security Command Center Findings sections.

Cloud Audit Logs

For more information on Cloud Audit Logs, see the Google documentation.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, navigate to IAM & Admin > Audit Logs. Select the services for which Data Access audit logs should be enabled.

Data Access Audit Logs

Data Access Audit Logs

  1. Create an inclusion filter to determine which logs are sent to the Pub/Sub topic. Refer to the following table to assist in the building of the inclusion filter for Cloud Audit logs.
Admin Activity Data Access System Event Policy Denied

VPC Flow Logs

For more information on VPC Flow Logs, see the Google documentation.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, navigate to VPC Network > VPC Networks, select the network for which you would like to enable VPC Flow Logs, and then select the Subnets tab.

VPC Flows Logs

VPC Flow Logs

  1. On the subnet for which VPC Flow Logs are to be enabled, enter Edit mode. Under the Flow Logs section, select On.

Enable VPC Flows Logs

Enable VPC Flow Logs

  1. To route Flow Logs to the Log Router Sink created in the Create Sink section, edit the Sink and then update the Inclusion Filter.

Route VPC Flows Logs

Route VPC Flow Logs

Example Inclusion Filter:


Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Dataplane V2

For more information on GKE Dataplane V2, see the Google documentation.

  1. Refer to the Google documentation to create a GKE cluster.


GKE Dataplane V2 can only be enabled when creating a new cluster.

  1. Refer to the Google documentation to enable network policy logging.

  2. To route Flow Logs to the Log Router Sink created in the Create Sink section, edit the Sink and then update the Inclusion Filter.

Route VPC Flows Logs

Route VPC Flow Logs

Example Inclusion Filter:


Security Command Center Findings

For more information on Security Command Center, see the Google documentation.

  1. Security Command Center can be activated at the Organization and Project levels.
Organization Level

Refer to the Google documentation to activate Security Command Center for an organization.

Project Level

Refer to the Google documentation to activate Security Command Center for a project.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, navigate to Security > Security Command Center > Overview and select Edit Settings.

Edit SCC Settings

Edit SCC Settings

  1. Select the Continuous exports tab.

  2. Select Create Pub/Sub Export. Enter a user-friendly name and then select the Pub/Sub topic created in the Create Pub/Sub Topic section.

  3. Select Save.


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