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Using the Tenants API

api guides


Before proceeding, complete the API Authentication steps in order to obtain a working client_id and client_secret.


The URL to access the XDR Tenants API may differ according to the region your environment is deployed in:

  • US1— https://api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/public/query
  • US2— https://api-tenants.delta.taegis.secureworks.com/public/query
  • US3— https://api-tenants.foxtrot.taegis.secureworks.com/public/query
  • EU— https://api-tenants.echo.taegis.secureworks.com/public/query

The examples here use https://api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/public/query throughout. If you are in a different region substitute appropriately.

You can use the Secureworks® Taegis™ XDR public tenants API to search, create and update tenant information.

Accessing the Tenants API

The Tenants API can be used to interact with our tenant graph and partner data graph. Unlike other graphql APIs, tenants-api needs to be accessed using a different ingress from our normal APIs (see the regions above).

You must authenticate to this API using Authorization : Bearer {token}, just like any other of our APIs. Authorization to this API honors the following rules:

Tenant Graph Overview

Most queries and mutations return a Tenant object. The full schema can be introspected from graphql, but the most important elements are:

# Not all fields listed for brevity
type Tenant {
    # The tenant ID, an int like: 12345
    id: ID!
    # Created and updated times, e.g. : 2022-03-23T15:15:37Z
    created_at: Time
    updated_at: Time
    # The tenant's name
    name: String!
    # A list of labels assigned to this tenant.
    labels: [TenantLabel!]
    # A list of environments indicating where the tenant is enabled at.
    environments: [Environment!]
    # A date when the tenant expires.
    expires_at: Time
    # Contains hierarchy and subscription information.
    partnership: Partnership
    # Either Secureworks support users have access to read this tenant.
    support_enabled: Boolean!

# Partnership contains some important information about this tenant's partner hierarchy.
type Partnership {
    # Indicates the parent tenant id, this is your partner tenant.
    parent: ID
    # If true, indicates that the tenant is a partner (parent)
    is_partner: Boolean!
    # Subscriptions that the partner assigned to the tenant.
    subscriptions: [PartnerSubscription!]

Querying For Tenants

You can use query tenants(TenantsQuery!) to retrieve a list of tenants that you have access to. Results are wrapped with some pagination metadata, so you can easily scroll through the results:

# Not all fields shown; use query introspection to retrieve the full schema.
input TenantsQuery {
    # Start results after this id
    cursorPos: ID
    # How many results to return
    maxResults: Int
    # If provided (and not cursorPos is provided) pageNum allows getting a specific result page (maxResults = per page)
    pageNum: Int
    # optional name (supports wildcard %) or tenant id
    name: String
    # optional ids to return, useful when only a few tenants are needed and ids are known
    ids: [ID!]
    # optional filter for environments
    environmentFilter: TenantEnvironmentFilter
    # optional label filter
    labelFilter: TenantLabelFilter
    # optional partner service (subscription) filter
    withPartnerSubscription: String
    # optional partnership filter
    partnership: PartnershipFilter
    # Return tenants who were created during the specified time range
    createdTimeFilter: TimeFilter
    # Return tenants who were modified during the specified time range
    modifiedTimeFilter: TimeFilter
    # Allows to filter by is_partner flag
    isPartner: Boolean
    # Sets the order for the query results, ID by default
    orderBy: TenantOrderField = Id
    # Sets the order direction for the results, Asc by default
    orderDir: OrderDir = asc
    # optional support selector to find tenants or partners with support enabled
    withSupport: Boolean

type TenantResults {
    # The actual query results
    results : [Tenant!]!
    # Indicates the last cursor for cursor based pagination.
    cursorPos : ID
    # Represents the number of records returned.
    count: Int!
    # Indicates if there are more records after the requested page/cursor
    hasMore: Boolean!
    # Represents the total number of records when offset pagination is used (page / per page)
    totalCount: Int

All requests to tenants-api must have the following form:


query tenants($tenantsQuery: TenantsQuery! = {maxResults: 10})
    tenants(tenantsQuery: $tenantsQuery)
        results { id created_at updated_at enabled name name_normalized domain domain_normalized description allow_response_actions actions_approver labels { id tenant_id name value owner_partner_tenant_id } environments { id created_at updated_at tenant_id name enabled } services { id created_at updated_at name description owner_tenant_id } expires_at partnership { parent is_partner subscriptions { id service_id name description created_at updated_at } child_tenants } support_enabled enabled_in_production enabled_in_pilot } cursorPos count hasMore totalCount


# Get 10 results from the second page
curl --location --request POST 'https://api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/query' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"query":"query tenants ($tenantsQuery: TenantsQuery!) { tenants (tenantsQuery: $tenantsQuery) { count totalCount results { id name created_at support_enabled partnership { subscriptions { id service_id created_at updated_at name description } } labels { name value } } }}","variables":{"tenantsQuery":{"maxResults":10}}}'
  "data": {
    "tenants": {
      "count": 10,
      "totalCount": 24834,
      "cursorPos": "aWR8MTAwMTc=",
      "results": [
          "id": "10008"

Paginate Tenants


Page Num

query tenants($tenantsQuery: TenantsQuery! = {maxResults: 10, pageNum: 2})
    tenants(tenantsQuery: $tenantsQuery)
        results { id created_at updated_at enabled name name_normalized domain domain_normalized description allow_response_actions actions_approver labels { id tenant_id name value owner_partner_tenant_id } environments { id created_at updated_at tenant_id name enabled } services { id created_at updated_at name description owner_tenant_id } expires_at partnership { parent is_partner subscriptions { id service_id name description created_at updated_at } child_tenants } support_enabled enabled_in_production enabled_in_pilot } cursorPos count hasMore totalCount


query tenants($tenantsQuery: TenantsQuery! = {maxResults: 10, cursor_pos: "aWR8MTAwMzc="})
    tenants(tenantsQuery: $tenantsQuery)
        results { id created_at updated_at enabled name name_normalized domain domain_normalized description allow_response_actions actions_approver labels { id tenant_id name value owner_partner_tenant_id } environments { id created_at updated_at tenant_id name enabled } services { id created_at updated_at name description owner_tenant_id } expires_at partnership { parent is_partner subscriptions { id service_id name description created_at updated_at } child_tenants } support_enabled enabled_in_production enabled_in_pilot } cursorPos count hasMore totalCount

You can use both modes of pagination interchangeably if your use case requires it. Sorting results changes the cursor computation, so make sure you pass the right value to cursorPos if you ever change the order.

Filter Tenants

You can mix and match filters. You can use any (or all of the filters):

query tenants($tenantsQuery: TenantsQuery! = {maxResults: 10, ids=["xxxxx"], name="%my name%", forHierarchies=["id"], environmentFilter: {name: "echo", enabled: true}, labelFilter: {label_name: "testing"}, withPartnerSubscription: "%", withPartnerSubscription: ["%"], createdTimeFilter: {startTime: "2019-07-04T15:00:22", endTime: "2019-07-06T15:00:22Z"}})
    tenants(tenantsQuery: $tenantsQuery)
        results { id created_at updated_at enabled name name_normalized domain domain_normalized description allow_response_actions actions_approver labels { id tenant_id name value owner_partner_tenant_id } environments { id created_at updated_at tenant_id name enabled } services { id created_at updated_at name description owner_tenant_id } expires_at partnership { parent is_partner subscriptions { id service_id name description created_at updated_at } child_tenants } support_enabled enabled_in_production enabled_in_pilot } cursorPos count hasMore totalCount

Sort Tenants

Results can be sorted by any of the following:


query tenants($tenantsQuery: TenantsQuery! = {maxResults: 10, createdTimeFilter: {startTime: "2019-07-04T15:00:22", endTime: "2019-07-06T15:00:22Z"}, orderBy: CreatedAt, orderDir: desc})
    tenants(tenantsQuery: $tenantsQuery)
        results { id created_at updated_at enabled name name_normalized domain domain_normalized description allow_response_actions actions_approver labels { id tenant_id name value owner_partner_tenant_id } environments { id created_at updated_at tenant_id name enabled } services { id created_at updated_at name description owner_tenant_id } expires_at partnership { parent is_partner subscriptions { id service_id name description created_at updated_at } child_tenants } support_enabled enabled_in_production enabled_in_pilot } cursorPos count hasMore totalCount

Create a Tenant

mutation createTenant(TenantCreateInput!) creates a tenant on a partner with some restrictions:

mutation createTenant($newTenant: TenantCreateInput! = {name: "New Tenant Name", partnerTenantID: "xxxxx", labels: {name: "partner_only_label_name", value: "label_value", owner_partner_tenant_id: "xxxxx"}, environments: ["echo", "pilot"]})
    createTenant(newTenant: $newTenant)
        id created_at updated_at enabled name name_normalized domain domain_normalized description allow_response_actions actions_approver labels { id tenant_id name value owner_partner_tenant_id } environments { id created_at updated_at tenant_id name enabled } services { id created_at updated_at name description owner_tenant_id } expires_at partnership { parent is_partner subscriptions { id service_id name description created_at updated_at } child_tenants } support_enabled enabled_in_production enabled_in_pilot


curl --location --request POST 'https://api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/query' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"query":"mutation createTenant($newTenant: TenantCreateInput!) { createTenant (newTenant: $newTenant) {idpartnership {parent}environments {nameenabled}labels {namevalueowner_partner_tenant_id } } }","variables":{"newTenant":{"name":"New tenant name","partnerTenantID":"xxxxx","labels":[{"name":"partner_only_label_name","value":"label_value","owner_partner_tenant_id":"xxxxx"}],"environments":["echo","pilot"]}}}'


Rename Tenant

To rename a tenant, use mutation updateTenant(TenantUpdateInput):


mutation updateTenant($tenantID: ID! = "xxxxx", $tenantUpdate: TenantUpdateInput! = {name: "Updated Tenant Name"})
    updateTenant(tenantID: $tenantID, tenantUpdate: $tenantUpdate)
        id created_at updated_at enabled name name_normalized domain domain_normalized description allow_response_actions actions_approver labels { id tenant_id name value owner_partner_tenant_id } environments { id created_at updated_at tenant_id name enabled } services { id created_at updated_at name description owner_tenant_id } expires_at partnership { parent is_partner subscriptions { id service_id name description created_at updated_at } child_tenants } support_enabled enabled_in_production enabled_in_pilot


curl --location --request POST 'https://api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/query' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer { ACCESS_TOKEN }' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"query":"mutation updateTenant($tenantID: ID!, $updateInput: TenantUpdateInput!) { updateTenant (tenantID: $tenantID, tenantUpdate: $updateInput) { id name partnership { parent is_partner } environments { name enabled } labels { name value owner_partner_tenant_id } }}","variables":{"tenantID":xxxxx,"updateInput":{"name":"new tenant name"}}}'

Manage Tenant Environments

When tenants are created, they are enabled in at least one environment. To change that environment use mutation updateTenant(TenantUpdateInput):


mutation updateTenant($tenantID: ID! = "xxxxx", $tenantUpdate: TenantUpdateInput! = {environments: [{name: "echo", enabled: false}, {name: "delta", enabled: true}]})
    updateTenant(tenantID: $tenantID, tenantUpdate: $tenantUpdate)
        id created_at updated_at enabled name name_normalized domain domain_normalized description allow_response_actions actions_approver labels { id tenant_id name value owner_partner_tenant_id } environments { id created_at updated_at tenant_id name enabled } services { id created_at updated_at name description owner_tenant_id } expires_at partnership { parent is_partner subscriptions { id service_id name description created_at updated_at } child_tenants } support_enabled enabled_in_production enabled_in_pilot


curl --location --request POST 'https:// api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/public-test/query' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer { ACCESS TOKEN }' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"query":"mutation updateTenant($tenantID: ID!, $updateInput: TenantUpdateInput!) { updateTenant (tenantID: $tenantID, tenantUpdate: $updateInput) { id name environments { name enabled } } }","variables":{"tenantID":xxxxx,"updateInput":{"environments":[{"name":"echo","enabled":true},{"name":"delta","enabled":false}]}}}'


You can enable and/or disable several environments in a single request. A tenant is considered active if it’s enabled in at least one environment.

Disable Tenant

To disable a tenant, you can either disable it in all its environments or simply set the field "disable" : true. Both options yield the same result.


mutation updateTenant($tenantID: ID! = "xxxxx", $tenantUpdate: TenantUpdateInput! = {disable: true})
    updateTenant(tenantID: $tenantID, tenantUpdate: $tenantUpdate)
        id created_at updated_at enabled name name_normalized domain domain_normalized description allow_response_actions actions_approver labels { id tenant_id name value owner_partner_tenant_id } environments { id created_at updated_at tenant_id name enabled } services { id created_at updated_at name description owner_tenant_id } expires_at partnership { parent is_partner subscriptions { id service_id name description created_at updated_at } child_tenants } support_enabled enabled_in_production enabled_in_pilot


curl --location --request POST 'https:// api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/public-test/query' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer { ACCESS _TOKEN }' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"query":"mutation updateTenant($tenantID: ID!, $updateInput: TenantUpdateInput!) { updateTenant (tenantID: $tenantID, tenantUpdate: $updateInput) { id name enabled expires_at environments { name enabled } } }","variables":{"tenantID":xxxxx,"updateInput":{"disable":true,"clearExpiration":true}}}'

Manage Tenant Expiration

A tenant with an expiration date is automatically disabled after a period of 60 days. The expiration date can be modified with mutation updateTenant(TenantUpdateInput):


mutation updateTenant($tenantID: ID! = "xxxxx", $tenantUpdate: TenantUpdateInput! = {expiresAt: "2023-12-31T00:00:00Z"})
    updateTenant(tenantID: $tenantID, tenantUpdate: $tenantUpdate)
        id created_at updated_at enabled name name_normalized domain domain_normalized description allow_response_actions actions_approver labels { id tenant_id name value owner_partner_tenant_id } environments { id created_at updated_at tenant_id name enabled } services { id created_at updated_at name description owner_tenant_id } expires_at partnership { parent is_partner subscriptions { id service_id name description created_at updated_at } child_tenants } support_enabled enabled_in_production enabled_in_pilot

Clear an Expiration


mutation updateTenant($tenantID: ID! = "xxxxx", $tenantUpdate: TenantUpdateInput! = {clearExpiration: true})
    updateTenant(tenantID: $tenantID, tenantUpdate: $tenantUpdate)
        id created_at updated_at enabled name name_normalized domain domain_normalized description allow_response_actions actions_approver labels { id tenant_id name value owner_partner_tenant_id } environments { id created_at updated_at tenant_id name enabled } services { id created_at updated_at name description owner_tenant_id } expires_at partnership { parent is_partner subscriptions { id service_id name description created_at updated_at } child_tenants } support_enabled enabled_in_production enabled_in_pilot


curl --location --request POST 'https:// api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/public-test/query' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer { ACCESS _TOKEN }' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"query":"mutation updateTenant($tenantID: ID!, $updateInput: TenantUpdateInput!) { updateTenant (tenantID: $tenantID, tenantUpdate: $updateInput) { id name enabled expires_at environments { name enabled } } }","variables":{"tenantID":xxxxx,"updateInput":{"expiresAt":"2022-09-09T14:30:34Z"}}}'

Managing Tenant Labels

Labels can be created, updated, and deleted in tenants using the following mutations:


Some labels are restricted and cannot be modified or deleted. The Tenants API informs you if you attempt to modify a restricted label.

Create a Tenant Label

To create a new label on a tenant that you own:


mutation createTenantLabel($tenant_id: ID! = "xxxxx", $label_input: InputTenantLabel! = {name: "test", value: "value"})
    createTenantLabel(tenant_id: $tenant_id, label_input: $label_input)
        id tenant_id name value owner_partner_tenant_id


curl --location --request POST 'https://api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/public/query' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer { ACCESS_TOKEN }' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"query":"mutation createTenantLabel ($tenant_id: ID!, $label_input: InputTenantLabel!) { createTenantLabel (tenant_id: $tenant_id, label_input: $label_input) { id name value owner_partner_tenant_id } } ","variables":{"tenant_id":xxxxx,"label_input":{"value":"value","name":"test"}}}'

Manage Partner Subscriptions

You can manage both available partner subscriptions and subscription assignments on child tenants with the following mutations:


mutation assignSubscription($tenant_id: ID! = "xxxxx", $subscription_id: ID! = "1cb04358-0e00-4ffb-abc8-14ccbc7b42b0")
    assignSubscription(tenant_id: $tenant_id, subscription_id: $subscription_id)
        id created_at updated_at enabled name name_normalized domain domain_normalized description allow_response_actions actions_approver labels { id tenant_id name value owner_partner_tenant_id } environments { id created_at updated_at tenant_id name enabled } services { id created_at updated_at name description owner_tenant_id } expires_at partnership { parent is_partner subscriptions { id service_id name description created_at updated_at } child_tenants } support_enabled enabled_in_production enabled_in_pilot


curl --location --request POST 'https://api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/public/query' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer { ACCESS_TOKEN }' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"query":"mutation($tenant_id: ID!, $subscription_id: ID!) { assignSubscription(tenant_id: $tenant_id, subscription_id: $subscription_id) { id } }","variables":{"tenant_id":"xxxxx","subscription_id":"1cb04358-0e00-4ffb-abc8-14ccbc7b42b0"}}'


Allow Secureworks Support

tenants-api can be used to enable or disable support on the partner child tenants via the following mutations:


mutation enableTenantSupport($tenantID: ID! = "xxxxx")
    enableTenantSupport(tenantID: $tenantID)
        id created_at updated_at enabled name name_normalized domain domain_normalized description allow_response_actions actions_approver labels { id tenant_id name value owner_partner_tenant_id } environments { id created_at updated_at tenant_id name enabled } services { id created_at updated_at name description owner_tenant_id } expires_at partnership { parent is_partner subscriptions { id service_id name description created_at updated_at } child_tenants } support_enabled enabled_in_production enabled_in_pilot

cURL Disable Support

To disable support on a tenant:

curl --location --request POST 'https:// api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/public/query' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer { ACCESS_TOKEN }' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"query":"mutation { disableTenantSupport (tenantID : \"xxxxx\") { id support_enabled } }","variables":{}}'

Configure Single Sign-On Connections

Configuring a third-party identity provider for authentication to the Taegis platform is handled by the Tenants API. Only SAML providers are supported and this guide describes the steps necessary to configure a provider. In this scenario of SAML communications, the Taegis platform is the service provider.


mutation createSSOConnection($newConnection: NewSSOConnectionInput!)
    createSSOConnection(newConnection: $newConnection)
        id name type status externalName environment externalID tenantID updatedAt createdAt certName expiresAt notBefore issuer subject domains testers ssoConnectionParameters { postBackURL entityID metadataURL callbackURL } ssoConnectionIDPConfig { samlConnectionConfiguration { signingCert signInEndpoint } azureADConnectionConfiguration { clientID clientSecret domain } }


curl --location --request POST 'https:// api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/public/query' \
--header 'Authorization: { ACCESS_TOKEN }' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Tenant-Context: { TENANT_ID} ' \
--data '{"query":" mutation ($name: String!, $type: SSOConnectionType!, $domains: [String!]!, $testers: [String!]) { createSSOConnection(newConnection: { name: $name, type: $type, domains: $domains, testers: $testers }) { id name type status externalName externalID environment domains testers ssoConnectionParameters { postBackURL entityID metadataURL callbackURL } expiresAt createdAt updatedAt } }","variables":{"name": " { NEW_CONNECTION_NAME } ", "type": "saml", "domains": [" { EMAIL_DOMAIN1 } "], "testers": [" { TESTER1@EMAIL_DOMAIN1} "]}}'


The postBackURL and entityID are usually configured on the SAML identity provider prior to continuing to the next step.

Get SSO Configuration

The getSSOConnectionConfig query retrieves information that is required by the SAML service provider (Taegis). This step is typically done as pre-confirmation to make sure configuration settings are correct.


query getSSOConnectionConfig($metadataURL: String = "metadata_url", $cert: String)
    getSSOConnectionConfig(metadataURL: $metadataURL, cert: $cert)
        ssoConnectionConfiguration { samlConnectionConfiguration { signingCert signInEndpoint } azureADConnectionConfiguration { clientID clientSecret domain } } expiresAt notBefore issuer subject


curl --location --request POST 'https:// api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/public/query' \
--header 'Authorization: { ACCESS_TOKEN }' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Tenant-Context: { TENANT_ID} ' \
--data '{"query":"query ($metadataURL: String, $cert: String) { getSSOConnectionConfig (metadataURL: $metadataURL, cert: $cert) { expiresAt notBefore issuer subject ssoConnectionConfiguration { samlConnectionConfiguration { signInEndpoint signingCert } } } }","variables":{"metadataURL": "{ METADATA_URL }"}}'



Complete Initial SSO Connection Configuration

To complete the initial connection configuration, either the identity provider’s metadata URL or the combination of the signing certificate and sign-in endpoint are required. On successful completion the connection transitions to Testing status.


mutation updateSSOConnection($updatedConnection: UpdateSSOConnectionInput! = {id: "connection_id", connectionConfiguration: {samlConfiguration: {metadataURL: "metadata_url", signingCertName: "certificate_name", signingCert: "certificate", signInEndpoint: "sign_in_endpoint"}}})
    updateSSOConnection(updatedConnection: $updatedConnection)
        id name type status externalName environment externalID tenantID updatedAt createdAt certName expiresAt notBefore issuer subject domains testers ssoConnectionParameters { postBackURL entityID metadataURL callbackURL } ssoConnectionIDPConfig { samlConnectionConfiguration { signingCert signInEndpoint } azureADConnectionConfiguration { clientID clientSecret domain } }


curl --location --request POST 'https:// api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/public/query' \
--header 'Authorization: { ACCESS_TOKEN }' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Tenant-Context: { TENANT_ID} ' \
--data '{"query":"mutation ($id: ID!, $signingCert: String, $signInEndpoint: String, $metadataURL: String, $certName: String) { updateSSOConnection ( updatedConnection: { id: $id, samlConfiguration: { metadataURL: $metadataURL, signingCert: $signingCert, signInEndpoint: $signInEndpoint, signingCertName: $certName } } ) { id name externalName externalID createdAt updatedAt type status domains testers certName notBefore expiresAt issuer subject ssoConnectionParameters { postBackURL entityID metadataURL } ssoConnectionIDPConfig { samlConnectionConfiguration { signInEndpoint signingCert } } }}","variables":{"id": " { CONNECTION_ID } ", "metadataURL": " { METADATA_URL } ", "certName": "issuer.pem"}}'



Updating SSO Connections

After testing is complete, the SSO connection must be placed in Enabled status to make it available to the registered email domains. Other attributes may also need to be adjusted. For example, a new signing certificate when the configured one is set to expire.


mutation updateSSOConnection($updatedConnection: UpdateSSOConnectionInput! = {id: "connection_id", status: "Enabled"})
    updateSSOConnection(updatedConnection: $updatedConnection)
        id name type status externalName environment externalID tenantID updatedAt createdAt certName expiresAt notBefore issuer subject domains testers ssoConnectionParameters { postBackURL entityID metadataURL callbackURL } ssoConnectionIDPConfig { samlConnectionConfiguration { signingCert signInEndpoint } azureADConnectionConfiguration { clientID clientSecret domain } }


curl --location --request POST 'https:// api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/public/query' \
--header 'Authorization: { ACCESS_TOKEN }' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Tenant-Context: { TENANT_ID} ' \
--data '{"query":" mutation ($id: ID!, $addTesters: [String!], $removeTesters: [String!], $addDomains: [String!], $removeDomains: [String!], $status: SSOConnectionStatus, $signingCert: String, $signInEndpoint: String, $metadataURL: String, $certName: String) { updateSSOConnection(updatedConnection: { id: $id, connectionConfiguration: { samlConfiguration: { signingCert: $signingCert, signInEndpoint: $signInEndpoint } } }) { id name type status externalName externalID environment domains testers expiresAt createdAt updatedAt ssoConnectionParameters { postBackURL entityID metadataURL } ssoConnectionIDPConfig { samlConnectionConfiguration { signInEndpoint signingCert } } } }","variables":{"id": " { CONNECTION_ID } ", "status": "Enabled"}}'



Delete SSO Connections


mutation deleteSSOConnection($connectionID: ID! = "connection_id")
    deleteSSOConnection(connectionID: $connectionID)
        id name type status externalName environment externalID tenantID updatedAt createdAt certName expiresAt notBefore issuer subject domains testers ssoConnectionParameters { postBackURL entityID metadataURL callbackURL } ssoConnectionIDPConfig { samlConnectionConfiguration { signingCert signInEndpoint } azureADConnectionConfiguration { clientID clientSecret domain } }

cURL Delete SSO Configuration Example

curl --location --request POST 'https:// api.tenants.ctpx.secureworks.com/public/query' \
--header 'Authorization: { ACCESS_TOKEN }' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Tenant-Context: { TENANT_ID} ' \
--data '{"query":"mutation ($connectionID: ID!) { deleteSSOConnection(connectionID: $connectionID) { id name type status externalName externalID domains testers } }","variables":{"connectionID": " { CONNECTION_ID } "}}'




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