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Using Common Expression Language with Taegis XDR

Secureworks® Taegis™ XDR’s automations platform is compatible with Google’s Common Expression Language (CEL). You can embed CEL logic and data manipulation within connectors and templates.



In a connector, the CEL expression must be wrapped in ${}. For example:



In a template, you can wrap the CEL expression in ${}, but it doesn’t have to be. For example, the following two statements do the same thing:




In a template, single quoted text inside double quoted text is not evaluated in a CEL expression; it’s just left as plaintext.

For example, in:

"inputs.myvar 'preserve text' inputs.newvar"

inputs.myvar and inputs.newvar are evaluated, but 'preserve text' is not evaluated.

Playbook Inputs

You must use the ${} notation when using a CEL expression as an input to a playbook.

Trigger Filter Criteria

You must use the ${} notation when using a CEL expression in trigger filter criteria.


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