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On-Premise Automation Connector

integrations data collectors on-premises automation

Add the On-Premise Automation Connector to a data collector in order to enable automation on on-premise technologies, such as Atlassian Jira.


The On-Premise Automation Connector now supports LDAP authentication to provide the connector access to Active Directory and LDAP directory services. If an older version of the On-Premise Connector is configured, you must delete the connector and re-add it to the data collector. The system the collector is deployed to requires network access to the AD/LDAP services.


For an on-premise data collector to support automation, it must:

Add an On-Premise Automation Connector to a Data Collector

Installing On-Premise Automation Connectors on a Data Collector

Installing On-Premise Automation Connectors on a Data Collector

To add an On-Premise Automation Connector to an existing Secureworks® Taegis™ XDR data collector, follow these steps:

  1. From XDR, select Integrations → Data Collectors.
  2. Select a card from the summary card view or the collector name from the table view for the collector to which you would like to add the On-Premise Automation Connector.
  3. Scroll down to the Applications section, select the gear icon for On-Premise Automation Connector, and select Configure.
  4. In the Configure Collector modal, select Save. The data collector may now accept automation configuration from an on-premise connector.

Configure an Automation Connector for Use On-Premise

To configure a XDR data collector to use an On-Premise Automations Connector, follow these steps:

  1. First ensure you have installed the On-Premise Automation Connector on the data collector.
  2. Select Automations from the Taegis Menu and choose Connectors.
  3. Either create a new connection from an on-premise connector or edit the connection details of an existing connection. A configuration side panel displays.


Each connector has built-in documentation that outlines the requirements for the connector type. Select Documentation from a connector or configured connection in XDR to open this in a new tab.

Configuring an On-Premise Connector with a Data Collector

Configuring an On-Premise Connector with a Data Collector

  1. Under the Config section, change the Instance URL to either the IP address of the on-premise server or the server’s DNS hostname, provided the data collector has been configured to resolve hostnames.
  2. If applicable, choose the On-Premise option from the product drop-down list. For example, select ’Jira Server (On-Premise)’, not Jira Cloud.
  3. Under the On-Premise Configuration section, select the data collector you wish to integrate from the drop-down list.
  4. If applicable, enter the CA certificate key for the on-premise connection. Otherwise, select Skip CA Certificate validation.
  5. Select Save.

Remove an On-Premise Automation Connector from a Data Collector

To remove an On-Premise Automation Connector from an existing XDR data collector, follow these steps:

  1. From XDR, select Integrations → Data Collectors.
  2. Select a card from the summary card view or the collector name from the table view for the collector you would like to remove the connector from.
  3. Scroll down to the Applications section, select the gear icon for On-Premise Automation Connector, and select Delete.
  4. In the Delete modal, select Delete. The connector is uninstalled from the data collector.


Be sure to remove the data collector information from any connections (Config / On-Premise Configuration sections) to avoid connector playbook actions failing.

Deleting On-Premise Automation Connector Permissions

Deleting On-Premise Automation Connector Permissions


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