Manage Cloud API Integrations
View your organization’s current cloud API integrations and monitor their health on the Cloud API Integrations page.
To view your cloud API integrations, from the Taegis Menu, select Integrations → Cloud APIs.
This page displays a table of API integrations that your organization has enabled, sorted by creation date.
API Integrations
View API Integration Status and Health ⫘
The API Integrations table displays quick-view information about the current health status of each API integration:
Status | Description |
Listening | The collector is listening for data. |
Healthy | The integration is working properly. |
Pending | The collector is waiting for data to be pulled for the first time. |
Bad Credentials | User authentication has failed. |
Degraded | The collector was not successful at requesting data for 5 to 60 minutes. |
Unhealthy | The collector was not successful at requesting data for over 60 minutes (210 minutes for Microsoft Azure and Office 365 integrations). |
Server Error | There is a problem on the server. |
Hover over the status for more information.
View Integration Details ⫘
Select the Details icon ( ) in the Actions column to view available details about the integration. These may include:
- ID of the integration
- When the integration was created
- The current health of the integration
- The region associated to the integration. AWS GuardDuty integrations show all regions associated with the integration.
Integration Details
Edit Cloud API Integrations ⫘
Cloud API integrations that support the Update function can be modified by clicking the Edit Integration Details button.
Update a Cloud API integration
See Update Cloud API Integrations for instructions for updating existing Cloud API integrations.
Delete an API Integration ⫘
If you do not have login access to XDR, have someone who does help you complete any steps that require access. You can also contact your Secureworks® representative for help.
To remove an API integration:
- From the Taegis XDR menu, select Integrations → Cloud APIs
- In the Actions column, select the Delete Integration trash icon.
- Select Delete to confirm that you want to delete the integration.
Deleting an Integration
This does not delete an AWS integration. You must do that from your AWS Console. For more information, see Remove Cloud Permissions.