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DNS Schema

Normalized Field Type Parser Field Description
resource_id string resourceId$ Full resource string identifying the record
tenant_id string tenantId$ The ID of the tenant that owns this specific to CTPX ID
sensor_type string sensorType$ Type of device that generated this event. Ex: redcloak
sensor_event_id string sensorEventId$ Event ID of original_data assigned by the sensor
sensor_tenant string sensorTenant$ A customer ID supplied by the application that originated the data. Ex: redloak-domain, ctp-client-id
sensor_id string sensorId$ An ID for the data supplied by the application that originated it. Ex: redcloak-agent-id
sensor_cpe string sensorCpe$ CPE of the platform producing the alert. Ex: cpe:2.3:a:secureworks:redcloak::::::::
original_data string originalData$ Original, unadulterated data prior to any transformation.
event_time_usec uint64 eventTimeUsec$ Event time in microseconds (µs)
ingest_time_usec uint64 ingestTimeUsec$ Ingest time in microseconds (µs).
event_time_fidelity TimeFidelity eventTimeFidelity$ Specifies the original precision of the time used to populate event_time_usec
host_id string hostId$ Host ID -- uniquely identifies the host where the event originated. e.g. IPv(4/6) address; Device Mac Address
sensor_version string sensorVersion$ The agent version as string.
source_address string sourceAddress$ Origin of the DNS query. Not set by all agents. internal: this is not present in Redcloak agent events
destination_address string destinationAddress$ Address of the DNS Server. Not set by all agents. internal: this is not present in Redcloak agent events
query_name string queryName$ Domain name of the host or string queried for type
query_type int32 queryType$ Numeric DNS record type of the QUERY defined by RFC1035, et.al.
query_class int32 queryClass$ DNS record class
responses DNSQuery.Responses responses$ A list of REPLIES in response to the QUERY
index_of_top_private_domain sint32 indexOfTopPrivateDomain$ The character index in query_name where the top private domain starts. For www.microsoft.com, this will be 4. For www.store.example.co.uk this will be 10. A negative value indicates that the top private domain could not be determined.
is_top_private_domain_parsed bool isTopPrivateDomainParsed$ True if the parser was run to find the top private domain. If false, disregard index_of_top_private_domain.
response_code int32 responseCode$ The RCODE if present in the original_data defined by rfc6895, et.al.
src_ipblacklists string repeated Provides the names of blacklists matched by the source
dest_ipblacklists string repeated Provides the names of blacklists matched by the destination
src_ipgeo_summary GeoSummary The geographic location of the source IP
dest_ipgeo_summary GeoSummary The geographic location of the destination IP
whois_record whois.WhoisSimple Internet resource info of the source including IP registration
processCorrelationID ProcessCorrelationID ProcessID of the process creating this DNS lookup


Type of REPLY in response to the QUERY

Normalized Field Type Parser Field Description
response_type int32 responseType$
response_data string responseData$


A list of REPLIES in response to the QUERY

Normalized Field Type Parser Field Description
records repeated DNSQuery.ResponseRecord records$


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