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Saved Searches

search queries advanced search query language builder

Whether using Query Language or Builder, Advanced Search queries that you and others in your organization save are available in the Saved Searches panel of Advanced Search.

View Saved Searches View Saved Searches

Where is the Saved Searches Panel?

Select Advanced Search from the Taegis Menu and then select Saved Searches from below the Advanced Search query builder or Query Language input field.

Save an Advanced Search Query

To save an advanced search query:

  1. Build a search query.
  2. Select Save Search.
  3. Enter a name for the search.
  4. Select Save Search. It is added to the Saved Searches panel.

Save an Advanced Search

Save an Advanced Search


Saved search results are retained for 29 days. However, if you are within the alerts & events retention period, described in the retention policy, then it may still be possible to find the original alerts or events by running the same search again.

View Your Saved Searches

The Saved Searches panel defaults to the My Queries view. This shows all the advanced search queries you have saved.

View Your Saved Searches

View Your Saved Searches

View All Saved Searches

You can see all the advanced search queries other users have saved in your currently selected tenant, including yours, when you select My Organization's at the top of the Saved Searches panel.

View All Saved Searches

View All Saved Searches

Filter Saved Searches

If you have a large number of saved searches and you’re looking for a particular one or type, enter a term in the Find Saved Searches field; the listed items constrain to your entered criteria.


The Find Saved Searches field is case sensitive.


You can enter any term or partial term from the saved search query or queries that you’re looking for. For example, if you are looking for all saved queries that use host_id, you can find them by putting host_id or even just host in the filter.

Filter Saved Searches

Filter Saved Searches

Sort Saved Searches

Sort Saved Searches

Sort Saved Searches

Sort the Saved Searches list by:

Run a saved search by selecting the magnifying glass ( Execute Search ) from the Saved Searches panel for the desired query.

Run a Saved Search

Run a Saved Search

To load a saved search query into your Advanced Search editor so you can modify it:

  1. Select the overflow menu icon for the desired query from the Saved Searches panel and then choose Load in Query Editor/Builder.

Edit a Saved Search

Edit a Saved Search

  1. The query displays in your Advanced Search editor. Make any changes you like.
  2. If you want to save your changes, select Save. This prompts you to save your query as a new saved search.


You can also edit a saved search after you have run the search, by selecting the edit icon ( Edit Search ) from the top bar of the search results.


You can’t overwrite another user’s saved searches. If you modify another user’s search and want to save it, you must save it as your own, new saved search.

Add a Saved Search to an Investigation

To add a saved search to an investigation:

  1. Select Advanced Search from the Taegis XDR menu. Advanced Search displays.
  2. Select Saved Searches and find the saved search you want to add to an investigation from My Queries or My Organization’s.
  3. Select the overflow menu icon for the desired query and then choose Create New Investigation to add the search query to a new empty investigation or Add to Investigation to add the search query to an existing investigation.

Add a Query to an Investigation

Add a Query to an Investigation

  1. Follow the prompts for the desired option and select Submit to add the search query.


When you do this, the investigation will include a link to the original search query. Please note that this does not make a copy of the search results. It also does not make a copy of the original alert or event data and does not alter the retention policy for alerts and events.

For more information on this feature, see Link a Saved Search to an Investigation.

Data Retention Policy

Secureworks retains event and alert data for 12 months from the date the data is received. All other data concerns are covered in the Secureworks Cloud Services Interface Privacy Statement.

To delete a saved search query from Saved Searches:

  1. Select the overflow menu icon for the desired query from the Saved Searches panel and then choose Delete.
  2. The saved search is deleted.

Delete a Saved Search

Delete a Saved Search

To share a saved search query with another user in your tenant:

  1. Select the share ( Share Search ) icon for the desired query from the Saved Searches panel and a link to the query copies to your clipboard.
  2. Share the copied URL with another user with access to this tenant.

Share a Saved Search

Share a Saved Search


Anyone you share the query with must be a XDR user and have an account in the tenant the saved search is from.


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