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Test AWS Lambda Logs

integrations cloud aws amazon lambda

You can verify that the AWS Lambda function for your integration is working by configuring a test for it in the AWS Console:

  1. Log into your AWS console.
  2. Browse to your Lambda services and find the lambda you want to test.
  3. From the test events pull-down menu, select Configure test events.

Configure Lambda Test

Configure Lambda Test

  1. Select Create new test event. The test event panel displays.

Test Event

Test Event

  1. For the event template, select s3-put.
  2. Enter a test name in the Event name field.
  3. Scroll down and select the Create button.
  4. Choose the test (it has the name you gave it in Step 6) from the test pull-down menu, then choose Test.

Run Your Test

Run Your Test


AWS Lambda Concurrency Guidance

The Reserved Concurrency value set by the Taegis XDR CloudFormation template (taegis-cloudformation-lambda-template.yaml) is 5. For more information regarding Lambda concurrency and the calculation of a value appropriate for your environment, please reference Lambda function scaling in AWS Docs.

Please reference the following AWS documentation to the identify the values to be used in the concurrency calulation:

AWS Concurrent Execution Limit

If you see the following error when running your Lambda: Set up Cisco Umbrella Integration You need to request a quota increase from AWS to raise your concurrent execution limit. For more information, see Lambda quotas in AWS Docs.

  1. Positive results verify that the s3 trigger is configured correctly and the lambda can authenticate to Secureworks® Taegis™ XDR.

Successful Test

Successful Test

Obversely, a test failure related to network connectivity issues is shown here:

Test Execution Failure

Test Execution Failure


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