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Configured Playbooks

automation playbooks

The Playbooks tab displays all previously configured playbooks that are ready to be executed.

Use the search bar to filter the list of configured playbooks, and select the Include Disabled toggle to include disabled playbooks in the table.

Edit Playbook Columns

Select the menu icon from a column heading to edit that column and add or remove columns from the table.

Drag the columns to adjust their width.


Secureworks recommends adding the Version and Status columns to your configured playbooks list.

Adding a New Column to the Playbooks Overview

Adding a New Column to the Playbooks Overview

View Playbook Details

To view details of a configured playbook, select its Name from the Configured tab of the Playbooks overview.

Itemized Playbook Details Page

Itemized Playbook Details Page

Playbook details include:

  1. Based on Template — The playbook template that this configured playbook is using.
  2. Template Version — The playbook template version that this configured playbook is using, as well as a link to manage versions. See Manage Playbook Versions for more information.
  3. Documentation — A link to the playbook's definition requirements. See Edit and Configure Playbooks for more information.
  4. Status — An option to Enable or Disable this playbook. See Enable or Disable a Playbook for more information.
  5. Copy Share Link — Copy a direct link to this playbook.
  6. More Actions — Actions you can take on a playbook:
  7. Configure — Edit this particular playbook. See Edit and Configure Playbooks for more information.
  8. History — A table of audit logs related to this particular playbook. See View Playbook Audit Logs for more information.
  9. Playbook Executions — A bar chart displaying a count of the executions grouped by status, and a table listing all matching executions. Use the date/time picker above the chart to adjust the time period for the chart and table. See Playbook Executions for more information.
  10. Details — Basic details about the playbook, such as whether it is enabled, who last created and updated it, and tags.
  11. Connections — Links to connections currently used by the playbook. See Configured Connections for more information.

Edit and Configure Playbooks

To edit a configured playbook:

  1. Open the playbook details page.
  2. Select Configure.


Playbooks only allow you to configure options that are supported by the playbook template. Unsupported options are greyed out and cannot be configured.

  1. Edit the playbook’s details, connections, trigger, and inputs.


Select Documentation at the top of the edit screen to view definition requirements for this playbook.

Viewing Playbook Documentation

Viewing Playbook Documentation

  1. Select Save and Next after each section to save your progress.
  2. Select Save and Finish to complete the playbook’s configuration.


Only one connection per playbook may be used.

Enable or Disable a Playbook


New playbooks are enabled by default upon creation.

To disable or enable a playbook:

  1. Select the name of the desired playbook from the Playbooks tab of the Playbooks overview.
  2. On the Playbook details page, select the Status toggle to enable or disable the playbook.

Manually Execute a Playbook


Refer to the playbook’s documentation to learn if it is designed to be executed manually. The majority of playbooks are not designed for this purpose and will fail if run manually.

To manually execute a playbook:

  1. Select the name of the desired playbook from the Playbooks tab of the Playbooks overview.
  2. On the Playbook details page, select More Actions > Trigger Manually.
  3. The Execute Playbook modal is displayed. Review the inputs, making changes if desired, and then select Execute.

Cancel Executions of a Playbook

To cancel ALL running executions for a configured playbook, follow these steps:

  1. Select the name of the desired playbook from the Playbooks tab of the Playbooks overview.
  2. On the Playbook details page, select More Actions > Cancel Executions.
  3. Enter a date and time period in which the executions you wish to cancel or clear appear, or leave blank to cancel or clear all.
  4. Select Proceed.


To cancel one or more individual executions, see Cancel Playbook Execution Instances.

Delete a Playbook

To delete a configured playbook:

  1. Select the name of the desired playbook from the Playbooks tab of the Playbooks overview.
  2. On the Playbook details page, select More Actions > Delete.
  3. A delete modal is displayed. Select Delete to confirm your action.

View Playbook Audit Logs

To view audit logs related to a configured playbook:

  1. Select the name of the desired playbook from the Playbooks tab of the Playbooks overview.
  2. On the Playbook details page, select the History tab.
  3. A table of audit logs related to the playbook is displayed.


Select Show Only Update Events to filter the logs by changes to the connection.


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