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Normalized Field Type Parser Field Description
resource_id string resourceId$ Full resource string identifying the record
tenant_id string tenantId$ The ID of the tenant that owns this specific to CTPX ID
sensor_type string sensorType$ Ex: redcloak
sensor_event_id string sensorEventId$ Event ID of original_data assigned by the sensor
sensor_tenant string sensorTenant$ Ex: redloak-domain, ctp-client-id
sensor_id string sensorId$ Ex: redcloak-agent-id
sensor_cpe string sensorCpe$ CPE of the platform producing the alert. Ex: cpe:2.3:a:secureworks:redcloak::::::::
original_data string originalData$ Original, unadulterated data prior to any transformation.
event_time_usec uint64 eventTimeUsec$ Event time in microseconds (µs)
ingest_time_usec uint64 ingestTimeUsec$ Ingest time in microseconds (µs).
event_time_fidelity TimeFidelity eventTimeFidelity$ Specifies the original precision of the time used to populate event_time_usec
host_id string hostId$ Host ID -- uniquely identifies the host where the event originated. e.g. IPv(4/6) address; Device Mac Address
process_id string processId$ Identifier provided by the OS for the running process that modified the file
process_create_time_usec uint64 processCreateTimeUsec$ Create time of process that modified the file in µs
commandline string commandline$ Full command line of process that made the file modification
process_correlation_id string processCorrelationId$ Process correlation ID to protect against rolling IDs redcloak -- host_id:id.pid:id.time_window
sensor_version string sensorVersion$ The agent version as string.
name string name$ name of the registry key/value (subset of key)
path string path$ full path of registry key/value
key Registry.RegistryKey key$
value Registry.RegistryValue value$
pivot string pivot$ primary hunting pivot point of the data for grouping
rule_context repeated Registry.RuleContextEntry ruleContext$ some rules add additonal strings to hits to help analysts interpret results


Normalized Field Type Parser Field Description
acl32 string acl32$ permissions if 32 bit app writes redirected key on x64
acl64 string acl64$ permissions if native app wrote on x64
last_write_time32_usec uint64 lastWriteTime32Usec$ if 32 bit app writes redirected key on x64
last_write_time64_usec uint64 lastWriteTime64Usec$ if native app on x64 stores data
pivot string pivot$


Normalized Field Type Parser Field Description
type32 Registry.RegistryValue.ValueType type32$ type of data stored if 32 bit app writes redirected key on x64
type64 Registry.RegistryValue.ValueType type64$ type of data stored if native app on x64 stores data
data32 string data32$ data stored at value if 32 bit app writes redirected key on x64
data64 string data64$ data stored at value if native app on x64 stores data
name string name$ valueName from taegis agent, used for both 32 and 64 bit variants
pivot string pivot$


Normalized Field Type Parser Field Description
key string
value string


Name Number Description
REG_NONE 0 No defined value type.
REG_SZ 1 A null-terminated string. This will be either a Unicode or an ANSI string, depending on whether you use the Unicode or ANSI functions.
REG_EXPAND_SZ 2 A null-terminated string that contains unexpanded references to environment variables (for example, "%PATH%"). It will be a Unicode or ANSI string depending on whether you use the Unicode or ANSI functions. To expand the environment variable references, use the ExpandEnvironmentStrings function.
REG_BINARY 3 Binary data in any form.
REG_DWORD 4 A 32-bit number
REG_MULTI_SZ 7 A sequence of null-terminated strings, terminated by an empty string (\0).
REG_QWORD 11 A 64-bit number.
REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN 12 A 32-bit number in little-endian format. Windows is designed to run on little-endian computer architectures. Therefore, this value is defined as REG_DWORD in the Windows header files.
REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN 13 A 32-bit number in big-endian format. Some UNIX systems support big-endian architectures.
REG_LINK 14 A null-terminated Unicode string that contains the target path of a symbolic link that was created by calling the RegCreateKeyEx function with REG_OPTION_CREATE_LINK.
REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN 15 A 64-bit number in little-endian format. Windows is designed to run on little-endian computer architectures. Therefore, this value is defined as REG_QWORD in the Windows header files.


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