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The Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) detector collects and normalizes Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP) events from third-party data sources. As part of the normalization process, the events are converted into an alert and assigned a severity and confidence based on the activity observed. The resulting alerts are written to the Secureworks® Taegis™ XDR alert database and published to the dashboard for additional review and analysis. The following integrations are currently handled by the NIDS detector:

In addition, the network telemetry collected by the supported integrations is available to the following XDR detectors:

NIDS Alert

NIDS Alert


This detector requires the following data sources, integrations, or schemas:


Detections are from the following normalized sources:


Alerts from this detector are pushed to the XDR Alert Database and Alert Triage Dashboard.

Configuration Options

This detector is enabled by default when the required data sources or integrations are available in the tenant.


MITRE mapping is based on alerting data provided by relevant device(s). Check the alert for the specific mapping.

Detector Testing

This detector does not have a supported testing method, though an Advanced Search will verify if alerts originated with this detector.


If no supported testing method is available, an Advanced Search will show you if any alerts came from this detector if a qualifying event was observed. A search with no results does not indicate the detector is not working. A lack of search results for the detector may only indicate that the specific attack has not been observed in the tenant. However, it could indicate the underlying data is not available. Ensure the required schemas are provided in Data Sources along with the supported device type(s) for that schema.

FROM alert WHERE metadata.creator.detector.detector_id='app:event-filter:nids'



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