Onboarding VDR
1 Getting Started
2 Asset Discovery and Scan
3 Vulnerability Management
4 Troubleshooting and Support
Asset Discovery and Scan ⫘
Assets are divided into two categories within VDR: Servers and Websites. Anything with an IPv4 address is considered an asset. Review VDR’s definition of an asset and how it is licensed at What is VDR’s Definition of an Asset?
VDR Licensing is based on the number of uniquely scanned assets. This means you can discover more assets than you wish to scan with no contractual issues. Learn more about VDR Licensing at How does licensing for VDR Work?
VDR uses fingerprinting to ensure that assets in dynamic networks—such as on DHCP networks—do not get duplicated and consume additional licenses. For more information, see Fingerprinting and Asset Tracking.
Placement determines how VDR is able to discover and scan assets.
Internal assets require Edge Service deployment. See Setting Up Edge Services and Other Prerequisites for further details.
Public-facing assets do not require any service to be installed. See Prerequisites for Discovering Internet and Perimeter Assets for further details.